Monday, October 4, 2010

Synchronistic Event (#4)

Just now I was over at my cousin Tami's blog, reading her account of how her young daughter and her school friend had found a stray kitten and the three of them had taken it to a vet. I was listening to music as usual as I posted the comment that the kitten in the photos was so adorable that I wished I could adopt it. Just as I typed the syllable *싶 (her blog is in Korean) Soyeon of the girl group T-ara sang **싶 in my ear.

*From 내가 기르고 어 -- Wish I could raise (the kitten)
**From 다시 시작해 말하고 지만 -- "Let's start over, though I want to say (to you)" from the memorable song 'Time to Love' (recorded with members of the male group 초신성 / Supernova)

P.S.: A light, misty drizzle had come down earlier this morning; I expected many worms would be tragically misled by the wetness, and I was right -- I was able to repatriate 3 worms from the sidewalk back to the soil in the course of a single short walk!

After the triple dose of worms, all sorts of curvy things on the wet ground started to look like worms.

[From now on I'm going to post worm rescues as co-features rather than as separate headings, because there would be too many of them and I don't want this to turn into a worm blog. And the synchronicities, too, probably]

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