Friday, October 15, 2010

Double Cheese Please...

I was organizing my old photos from the Seoul vacation when I came across this cute scene, shot on the grounds of Gyeongbokgung 경복궁 Palace.

I'm sure if I told people this was a scene from some Korean TV drama they'll believe me.

And I bet this couple do this at home, too. Naked.

Worm Rescue Update:

Yesterday I repatriated 2 worms. This is the first of the two:

This one was so exhausted that it could hardly move. I was worried that it wouldn't survive.

So during lunch I went back to the spot to check, and voila! it was gone-- which, I assumed, meant it had eventually recovered enough to burrow its way back into the earth.

As I was walking away though, I saw three crows in the parking lot nearby and became worried again. What if a sharp-eyed crow or some other bird had seen the worm and snapped it up? That made me sad.

But then I remembered that before I left earlier I sprinkled soil on top of the worm, because it was so weak I was afraid it would just lie there until it died of exposure, so there's no way any bird could have seen it. That made me feel better.

Number of worms rescued so far: 11

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