Friday, February 3, 2012

NIght-Prowling Cat

The DVD release of the cult-favorite vampire movie Near Dark (1987) includes a scene that was cut from the theatrical version.  It shows a recently-turned newbie being introduced to the joys of being a vampire, which include the wonderful sense of freedom that comes with the ability to see as well at night as if it were broad day.  To simulate the vampires' night vision the scene is shot in full light, but in black and white only (thus demonstrating that their night vision is a physiological enhancement -- being still subject to the limitations of the rods and cones of the retina -- rather than a supernatural power).  That scene impressed me deeply with its suggestion of a whole new vista of life.  And when I checked out this photo of a cat on nocturnal patrol, the surprisingly bright image gave me the idea of treating it as if it were taken in daylight.  So I made it black and white and tweaked it to minimize its 'nightliness'.  Enough visual cues remain, however, to give the picture a certain odd, not-quite-right feel which I like, and it may well be that cats, with their light-enhancing eyes, actually see something like this at night.

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