Saturday, March 26, 2011

Wonderful Scary Cloud

Driving to Norwalk to meet Scott and Andrea yesterday, I saw this dramatic, ominous cloud hanging over the horizon. It was a remnant of the stormfront still lingering over So Cal -- what a beauty!

1. It made me think of the big-budget space invasion movies turned out by Hollywood in recent years, like 'The War of the Worlds';

2. Couldn't help but notice the resemblance of the last two photos to the 'tunnel of light' you read about in accounts of near-death experiences. Maybe souls that are ready to move on to the next world see something like this superimposed over the earthly landscape? :)

3. It also reminded me of one of my all-time favorite episodes of the original Outer Limits TV series, "The Man with the Power"; it's about a much put-upon doormat of a man who finds that the experimental brain implant he received enables him to channel the omnipresent energy of matter fields. Unfortunately, the anger and resentment he keeps bottled up find a deadly outlet through this new power, and his unconscious mind destroys the people he hates, without his conscious knowledge. It's a wonderful story -- to my mind it's right up there with "The City on the Edge of Forever" from the original Star Trek, except it doesn't have the extra pull of a tragic romance with a beautiful, doomed woman (Korean TV dramas, anyone?^^). Check out the cool 'energy cloud' special effect from the show (courtesy MGM Digital Media) -- very nicely done, especially in view of the fact it's from television in the 60's:

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