Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Borg and K-Dramas

For a long time I was proud to count myself firmly on the side of the Borg... you know the Borg -- that efficient, straight-ahead thinking, simplistic-in-the-best-sense-of-the-word 'race' of cyborgs from the 'Star Trek' franchise, who always did the pragmatic thing. In whatever situation they encountered, they always did what was best for the Borg. Being a simple sort myself, I liked their rational, uncomplicated way of life. Also, all the Borg were mentally connected in a kind of cybernetic telepathy. Everybody knew everything they needed to know. No one had to learn anything, because knowledge was transferred effortlessly through the Hive Mind -- maybe one could call it the 'BorgWeb'. There was no personal ambition because it was pointless and unnecessary. Life was simple. Well, just now I was watching the next-to-last episode of the Korean TV drama 'Personal Taste' 개인의 취향, and all of a sudden I found myself tearing up over the trials and tribulations of the hero and the heroine (yeah, well..). Not only had I suddenly realized that I love humanity's failings, but I couldn't contain myself about it and I had to go and e-mail my friends about my sudden epiphany. O.K., maybe it was the beer and the Sangria I'd consumed shortly before, but anyway this is the message I sent: "Haha... here's a total non sequitur -- I just realized something; I was in the midst of watching the penultimate episode of 'Personal Taste', and you know what, I just realized I don't wanna be a Borg any more... all the stupid shortcomings of humanity -- the little rituals, the misunderstandings, the stormy emotions, the love and the passion and the guilt and the making up and the joy and the tragedy -- there's just too much fun to be had in being irrational and imperfect. I pine for my lost loves and missed opportunities and the 'what if's and the frustration and whatnot, but I wouldn't trade them for bland perfection in a millennium of Sundays! That said, I'm still waiting for the implantable microcomputer for my brain :D" Wow, I really sound drunk! Thank you, K-dramas... you're totally awesome!

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