Friday, November 26, 2010

Yet Another Totally Frivolous Synchronistic Event (#8)

And of course, K-pop was involved, natch

I was typing an e-mail message while listening to K-pop divas T-ara singing their new release 왜이러니/Wae Ireoni ("Why Are You Acting Like This"). Just as I started to type "Oh", the girls went "Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh". Maybe all the extra 'oh's were for emphasis.

And BTW, it's a very catchy tune and the girls are totally adorable in the music video. If you haven't done so before, you should go check it out on YouTube immediately.

Edit: It's really strange when I think about it. Is it just me being overly sensitive, or is there really a remarkable amount of these funny little word coincidences happening to me? I start to pronounce/read/type a word, and suddenly I hear that very word from an outside source -- weird.

O.K., I'm gonna have to stop thinking about this stuff too much, cause now it's stopped being funny and started to kind of weird me out. Like the Weird Sisters got bored and decided to amuse themselves by throwing little oddness bombs my way.

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