Friday, June 14, 2024

With Apologies To My Vegetarian Friends

Lunch at Lawry's.  Didn't even know until recently that the famed American prime rib restaurant chain has a branch in Seoul.  I've missed this so much!

I remember my mother's Japanese-American gentleman friend telling me about the time he part-timed as a server at Lawry's in Beverly Hills when he was a young student.  The place was a favorite hangout of professional wrestlers at the time; these guys were every bit as huge as they looked on TV, he said, and they would come in and order the biggest and thickest cuts, with everything on the side -- some would even have double servings.  My own choice on this occasion though, was the lunch special, which was the thinnest cut, thinner than the well-known "California cut" back in weight-conscious California.  Still, it was very tasty and satisfying, and my lunch companion Yohahn (thanks, buddy!👍) commented that he had never seen me eat so fast.

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