Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Another "Untitled"

Today I went jaunting over the hills above Ahyeon-dong, which is one of those older, timeworn and -- how should I put it -- slightly decrepit, sections of the city that I find so much more interesting and filled with character than the newly developed zones with their antiseptic steel-and-glass highrises.  But the ironic thing is, that so often the two types of zones lie right next to each other cheek-by-jowl, and there really is no border between them so that one moment you're walking along, taking in the quaint sights from a time gone past, then before it even registers consciously, you've entered the concrete jungle with the ever-repeating display windows and franchise cafes and eateries.  And Ahyeon-dong is no exception.  Sure enough, while I was huffing and puffing my way over the steep hillsides of the neighborhood, my eagle eyes spotted this eagle, hanging spread-eagle (OK Sam, that's three "eagles" already) over the balcony of one of those no-character highrise apartment units on the next block.

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