Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Secret Language Of The Earth (Pt. 5)

I've heard it said that a true expert in the art of divination does not need to throw sticks or consult charts -- he can utilize anything at hand, such as the accidental pattern of debris on the ground or the rustling of leaves in the wind -- and of course, the shape of clouds -- as a jumping-off point from which he can free-associate and allow his psychic faculties to emerge.

While I cannot foretell the future -- not that I would want to -- these humble stains on the ground are proving to be fertile grounds indeed for pictorial inspiration. And when I modify these photos with graphic additions, I think of the process as documentation or records-keeping in a way. Although in the immediate sense they are records of my own states of mind, I think a gifted person might well be able to divine some transpersonal meaning from them.

Hmmm... with that last sentence I was either connecting with the Jungian notion of the collective unconscious, or venturing into crazy insane people territory à la Richard Shaver with his Deros and 'rock books'.

Hmmm... come to think of it, I did post that photo of the Cloud Monster beaming a Dark Ray of Pure Evilness upon the ground (January 11 entry), just like the Deros and their evil rays.

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