Monday, August 2, 2010

Again, Just Because...

Today was a tantalizing day, cloud-wise. There was a lot of cloudly activity all day, but it was all clouds being cloud-like. Usually I like clouds whose shapes remind me of something, or that seem to do something definite; because when clouds just look like clouds -- abstract and amorphous, that is -- the mind's eye has little to glom onto. However, this one was so striking I took a bunch of shots. And that extrusion at the top in the second image does kind of remind me of the Horsehead Nebula. Which reminds me, Isaac Asimov once wrote the Horsehead Nebula reminded him not of a horse's head so much as of the head and shoulders of the Big Bad Wolf from the Disney cartoon short, The Three Little Pigs. Since reading that I have not been able to look at an image of the Horsehead Nebula with a straight face. This in spite of the fact that I usually find photos of objects in space sinister and frightening.


  1. Funny...I see a child in the top one and the makings of a "sea horse" in the second. Good photography catch on your part.

  2. 아, 나도 그렇게 보여. 어린이와 해마! :D
    오빠 사진은 참 신기하고 매력있다니까!! :)

  3. 드디어 성공...정말 몇 번이나 실패했는지..이거 힘들게 했다.
    아직 익숙치 않아서 구글 프로필 어떻게 수정해야하는지, 사진 바꾸는 거 등등 시간이 좀 걸릴 것 같아. 암튼 코멘트하는 거라도 성공했으니 다행이다..

  4. Hi Stan, thanks for the observation. I do see that kid!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. 와-- 이렇게 좋은걸 서투른 내가 몰라서 태미를 고생시켰어-- 미안해 T__T
