Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Interesting. Wow...

Today is August 14, 2024.  Just now I was again rummaging through old folders, mining for previously overlooked photos, when I came upon this image of a glove sticking out of a pond.  It was quite striking, and fairly surreal-looking as well.  It evoked de Chirico and others of his ilk from the early decades of the last century.  Maybe someone had marked a spot with it, to do some maintenance work later?  I played with it a while, trying this and that with editing software, then got the bright idea to turn it upside down.  It turned out to be a winning move, as the glove was crumpled in an unnatural way and turning it upside down made it somewhat less conspicuous;  and it also made its striking reflection stand out even more.  So then, after some more work I felt it was finally ready for posting, and I opened this blog and clicked on "hand" in the sidebar to link to related prior posts.  The first post that popped up was the one with the shadow of my hand, which was kind of like the yin to this yang, I thought.  The hand shadow was reaching out from darkness, whereas this reflection seemed to be reaching into the water.  So they complement each other -- O.K., good.  Then I looked at its date -- August 14, 2023, same date, exactly a year ago!

Related posts:  Suddenly Sad (the hand shadow), Glove

And it's happened before:  The Very Next Dream Log Entry

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