Wednesday, August 28, 2024

As Expected, But...

I needed to visit Insadong again today, and happened to pass by that shop where I bought the catfish paperweight Saturday.  I checked to see if the proprietor had rearranged the remaining three catfish to make them chase each other's tails again.

Yes, he had.

Which set me to thinking and worrying -- what about the next time somebody buys another of the catfish?  How will the proprietor deal with having just two left?  How will he arrange them?  I mean, obviously he could place them side by side, head to tail, and that could be seen as the fish chasing each other, but it's also conceivable that some people will see them as swimming past each other, like ships in the night or the stars in the cosmos forever growing apart, rather than being united in a yin/yang-like whole.  Oh, what will he do, what is he to do? 

Related post:  My Latest Acquisition

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