Friday, April 1, 2011

Other Self-Images (Pt. 1)

Just now, as I finished uploading the last blog post and returned to the general view mode, something went wrong with the profile photo on the right and my old photo was replaced with a random image.

So I started to re-upload the old photo of myself as a toddler ("This just shows my mental age"),

then I thought maybe it was time to replace it with a new one.

In the photo that's up now I'm slightly older. I'm not sure where it was taken, but possibly it was in the building next to my grandfather's house.

Below are the other photos I considered using. The first one was taken some years ago when I was teaching a drawing course at USC. I had taken the class to Santa Monica beach for a morning of outdoor sketching. The second is more recent; I'm in a hotel room at Hakone, Japan, getting ready to go down for a dip in the natural hot spring.

This one isn't a photo, but what the hey, it's still me. I thought about using it.

I also kinda sorta thought about using this one, but thought (lots)better of it. It just didn't say "Darling, it's you!" to me.

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