Sunday, September 1, 2024

Funny Shock

Maybe forty minutes ago I was preparing to make mashed potatoes.  The water came to a boil, I reduced the heat to a simmer, covered the pot, set the phone timer to fifteen minutes and started to watch a video version of Asimov's classic short story "The Last Question" on YouTube.  It's about mankind's unending effort to find a way to reverse entropy and bring the cosmos back to life, all the way down the line without obtaining a solution until uncounted trillions of years in the future, the all-knowing cosmic computer, the only thing that still exists in the nothingness that the cosmos has become, finally figures out how to effect creation out of nothing.  I became engrossed in the video and quite forgot about the time;  then just as the video came to the thrilling climax where the cosmic computer commands "Let there be light!" the timer went off next to me -- and loudly, too:  "BBRRINGG!".  Boy, did I jump!^^

As an aside, I'd wanted to add a little horseradish to the mashed potatoes, but found my supply had gone bad.  I ended up using wasabi instead, and it actually turned out pretty good, even without gravy.

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