Friday, February 24, 2023

Friday, February 17, 2023


It's a deceptively simple image.  A flock of birds rising from behind some trees.  But when you think about it it's pretty remarkable, considering this is a 'candid' shot taken on the spur of the moment, not an arranged one.  I don't remember if I waited for that one bird to top the Sun - probably it was a lucky accident - but anyhow, what timing; and the bifurcated clump of trees provides a perfect setting for the birds' emergence.  A great example of finding the Extraordinary in the ordinary.  A humble shot of an everyday event, but a special one, and one that can never be duplicated.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Another "Shattered Man"

It was an accident, but I like it like this;  kind of reminds me of me.

Related:  Another Random Pair

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Perfect Timing

O.K., maybe it's time for a little lightheartedness^

A visit back to a minor sub-genre that I actually spent quite a lot of time on. Yes, it's kind of silly I know, but hey, Monty Python was silly. And there are numerous other excellent examples like this, but this particular one really does stand out.