Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Pub Named Lethe

Lethe, the river of forgetfulness.  In classical mythology it was the river in the underworld whose waters made you forget your former earthly life.  Then you were ready for paradise or reincarnation.  It would have been nice to be able to forget just specific memories, but that wasn't allowed.  You drink, you forget everything including your identity, that was the deal.  You couldn't pick and choose.

There have been times when I almost wished I could drink of its waters and forget.  Almost.

Just as well.  I wouldn't really want to have my memories erased -- not even the unpleasant, sad and disturbing ones.  If I can't partake of the joys, I'll at least keep the regrets.

Anyway, I can experience temporary oblivion from the bottle whenever I want -- and that's enough for me.


By the way, my compliments to whomever chose to have the door of the establishment painted that forbidding grey.  It's perfect.

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