At least I'm almost certain that's what it was. It was a room at the top of a dim stairway inside a creaky old building, located in a flea market of all places. It was completely devoid of activity, and curiously quiet despite all the traffic and goings-on just outside. I accidentally stumbled upon the place while checking out the old East Gate ("DongDaeMun") neighborhood of Seoul, "urban explorer" style.
As I climbed the stairs I smelled incense, and having carefully and quietly wended my way up -- I don't know why, but somehow I was certain that I should try to be as discreet as possible -- I found the door open a crack, but of course I did not dare enter, and all I glimpsed through the opening was the sight of a table with a book and a monitor screen displaying what may have been some sort of geometric diagram (I guess even wizards need to look up references now and then).
I did not see or hear anyone during all this, so how do I know the place was a wizard's laboratory? Because once past the ground-floor portion of the staircase (top photo), every subsequent shot I took came out looking like this, until I exited the building:
All I can think of by way of an explanation is that the place must be under a protective geas of some kind, to discourage casual curiosity-seekers. Like me.
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