Monday, December 23, 2024

Better Late

This image is a particular favorite of mine.  Not only is the "ray beam" perfectly delineated with hard-looking edges like a laser beam cutting through the mist, but the fortuitous inclusion of an airplane in the shot really makes it seem like some old war footage or maybe a scene from some retro-futuristic dieselpunk science fiction movie (I'm thinking *Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004)).  The previous post reminded me of it and I wanted to revisit it, but I couldn't remember the posting date, so I looked up a few obvious key words.  I was surprised by the negative result, so I searched them again, and again it came up blank.  I kept looking up other key words, and eventually I ended up checking the entire archive (that took a while) -- no result!

I had been so certain that this photo would be somewhere on this blog, but the unexpected conclusion is that I never did post it.  So here it is at last (with plenty of keywords), "The Searchlight".

*An alternate-reality feature starring Jude Law, Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie and an army of giant robots

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