Monday, January 1, 2024

A Small But Welcome Glimmer Of Lucidity

Early this morning I dreamt that I was in a hospital (not as a patient, whew^).  I was invited to sit at a table in a side hall off the main corridor and partake of the leftovers from some major formal meal served earlier.  It was a simple setting consisting of white rice, some little bulgogi, and kimchi.  There wasn't much bulgogi left, but I was hungry and I gladly dug in.  As I ate, I kept finding more bulgogi than I thought there was, and I was quite satisfied with the meal.  Then some flies flew in and started to swarm the food.  They were very annoying and I kept swatting them away, but then it occurred to me that since I was dreaming all this, I could make happen whatever I wished to happen -- so I dreamed into existence a small cloud of insecticide spray to engulf the flies, and it worked like a charm!  The flies at once fell dead and I was left to enjoy the rest of the meal in peace.

In retrospect, two things stand out about this dream:

#1. They say it's not so much the dream itself as the interpretation that really matters.  Well, then what an auspicious dream this is -- I was in a place of healing (the hospital), I got more of what I wanted (the bulgogi) than I'd expected, and the hurdles in the way (the flies) were easily overcome.  It's especially meaningful since I dreamt it on the morning of New Year's Day.  They say that dreaming of a pig is a sign of good things to come, pig being a symbol of prosperity -- well, I see my dream as a variant form of the "pig dream".

#2. And of course, the lucidity -- well, partial lucidity -- experienced within the dream.  It didn't manifest as a special, momentous recognition of my dreaming state, no "aha!" moment.  It was simply accepted as normal at the time.  I will endeavor to improve upon this state -- that is, toward that "aha!" moment of full, waking consciousness within the dream.

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