Monday, August 7, 2023

Cicada And Moth

Sounds like an Aesop fable, doesn't it😊  Actually, there's some work going on in the building, so the staff have put up hard plastic sheeting in the elevator to protect the walls from all the equipment and material being ferried.  Then I noticed this cicada

under the plastic.  I wanted to free it, dead or alive, but to my surprise I could not find any openings or gaps anywhere through which it could have entered.  How the cicada managed to get itself trapped in there is a small mystery.  Days later, it's still there.  Then, yesterday I got on the elevator and on the side opposite the cicada there was this very pretty moth

just sitting there, pretty as you please, and not under the plastic.  It was clearly a live moth, perhaps taking refuge from the birds that populate the trees downstairs (but it probably just wandered in at random).  I left it alone and exited the elevator in the lobby, but then I ducked right back in.  I shooed the moth off its perch and out of the elevator.  It couldn't stay in the elevator -- what happened to the cicada might happen to it, too, or some thoughtless person might kill it.  Anyway, so there.

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