of the color of raw meat.
Related post: Another Errant Jacket
This requires a bit of a mental leap.
"Going up or coming down, it's hard both ways"
*O fortuna
velut luna
statu variabilis...
*Quoted from 'Fortuna, imperatrix mundi' (Fortune, empress of the world) from the collection of poems known as 'Carmina Burana'. It has been set to music by Carl Orff. Here is the cover of the score.
have finally revealed themselves to be what they always have been in truth... maps of Hell!
All that time I spent absently graffito-ing mazes -- and even mentally constructing them in my imagination -- I was actually recreating sections of the one maze you can never escape. No need for a Minotaur; you'll just be wandering its claustrophobic corridors forever, eternally thwarted at every turn.
Related posts: More Musings On Hell; Custom-Made Hells
inspired this documentary-style look back to March 2018. I was still living in downtown L.A., and this anti-gun protest passed right under my 6th-floor window. It was probably the biggest, densest, most massive crowd I have ever seen in person.
laughingly chases a desperately fleeing Sun in the evening sky, doubtless intending to swallow him and cause an eclipse.
Related post: Fliegende Hexe
A little while back (January 8) I posted a couple of images of a jacket I found resting on the road, just randomly lying there as if dropped by an absentminded owner. And remarked on the resemblance its silhouette bore to a cat lying on its side. Well, today I happened to be cutting across a neighborhood parking lot on the way home when I sighted this child's jacket on the sidewalk. Later, while checking out its images at home, I was struck by its resemblance to a dog lying prone. Especially a Schnauzer or one of those boxy-headed Terrier dogs.
Two jackets randomly dropped on the pavement, found with the space of a month. Already unusual enough -- but then it's first a cat, then a dog. Cat and dog. Makes me think of the idiom "Raining cats and dogs". Wonder if this is some Supreme Mind's way of letting me know that we're in for some really heavy rains this year? Or just me being a solipsist? Maybe.
Related post: Errant Jacket
Reminds me of ocean sunfish, except this one doesn't have the distinctive dorsal and anal fins. Mayhap the fluid-resistance differential of air and water is responsible?
At least I'm almost certain that's what it was. It was a room at the top of a dim stairway inside a creaky old building, located in a flea market of all places. It was completely devoid of activity, and curiously quiet despite all the traffic and goings-on just outside. I accidentally stumbled upon the place while checking out the old East Gate ("DongDaeMun") neighborhood of Seoul, "urban explorer" style.
As I climbed the stairs I smelled incense, and having carefully and quietly wended my way up -- I don't know why, but somehow I was certain that I should try to be as discreet as possible -- I found the door open a crack, but of course I did not dare enter, and all I glimpsed through the opening was the sight of a table with a book and a monitor screen displaying what may have been some sort of geometric diagram (I guess even wizards need to look up references now and then).
I did not see or hear anyone during all this, so how do I know the place was a wizard's laboratory? Because once past the ground-floor portion of the staircase (top photo), every subsequent shot I took came out looking like this, until I exited the building:
All I can think of by way of an explanation is that the place must be under a protective geas of some kind, to discourage casual curiosity-seekers. Like me.
Made me think of some piece of space junk burning up upon re-entry. As seen through a thermal-imaging camera.